Tuesday 10 January 2012

Be proud.

Sometimes I lose faith in humanity. Things seem to be moving forward and then something else happens to push them back again.
Five men from Derby are currently in court after handing out leaflets last year claiming that homosexuals should be given the death sentence. They were planning to protest against Derby’s Gay Pride event in July 2010, but hadn’t notified the council early enough, which meant they couldn’t go ahead with it. This didn't stop them trying to influence other people though.
Leaflets being handed out by Ihjaz Ali, Mehboob Hussain, Umar Javed, Razwan Javed and Kabir Ahmen featured disturbing images, including one of a mannequin hanging from a noose, claiming that “gay people are destined to go to hell”. 
This is disgusting. The fact that they are in court for it is a good sign, but we clearly haven’t moved on enough if people are still doing things like this. They were putting these leaflets through people’s letterboxes and handing them out on the street. Their behaviour says a lot more about them than it does about any homosexual.

For the full story click here.

1 comment:

  1. It is so scary that opinions such as these can still exist in 2012. You think that British culture has moved forward so much and stories like this just make you stop and think. But lets hope these narrow minded people can be taught if not to agree, to be more tolerant of others.
